
Results 30 issues of VKondakoff

Hello! As we are talking of recent files, I'm mostly interested in a flat list of, say, 10 recently modified notes instead of the list of recently opened notes (because...


Symbols, that are shown in the beginning of wrapped lines (for example: `vim.opt.showbreak = '+++ '`), are almost invisible with the default settings. Here is a screenshot: Can this be...

Hi! As there are tabs in the newest Obsidian builds it will be great to have 'Open in new tab' entry to note right-click menu. Thanks!

Let's say I have several notes about **fruits** in general. There are combined using tag #fruits. Then there are some notes about **apples** (tag #apples) and **oranges** (#oranges). This gives...

There is no visual mark (check) in Expand Limit menu (macOS Monterey 21.6, Obsidian 1.0.2, TagFolder 0.15.7) :

Hi! Can you, please, introduce tags tree keyboard navigation like it is implemented in File manager? (Up/Down arrows moves selection up/down, Right arrow open folder, Left arrow closes folder). Thanks!

Hi! What do you think about implementing an option to save tags tree expanded/collapsed state between working sessions? This option can be especially useful with vaults which have not many...

Hi! There is quite useful Expand/Collapse all' button at the Obsidian File Explorer toolbar. Can you, please, add a button like this to the Tagfolder toolbar? Thanks!

Hi! Thanks a lot for Tagfolder: I'm using this plugin daily on all of my devices for hierarchical navigation notes using tags. And it works just great. But sometimes creating...

Please, implement a setting to auto switch light/dark theme according to system settings. Thank you!
