
Results 6 comments of VJGediya

Hi Steeb, Thanks for your github action, this is what I was looking for. Still I'm facing an issue while executing it.. I'm trying to build the pipeline - GitHub...

![BBCE5ED4-9597-404B-84C8-86E3CE7FE658](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48464939/72801880-9b867100-3c9e-11ea-9c93-da01bac3fbbb.png) Well I’ve already encoded the value of KUBECONFIG and set that into secret.. I’ve encoded using; cat $KUBECONFIG | base64 And to answer your second question, ${GITHUB_SHA::8} does work...

Oh mann!!! So this is this works? Like I have to declare each secrets as env variables? Like; env: KUBE_CONFIG...... DOCKER_REPO: ${{secrets. DOCKER_REPO}} And then I can use the arg?...

Oh man...🤦🏻‍♂️ You gave me hope man.. I’ll try that and let you know what happens.. You’re legend man.. Thank you so much for quick replies. Appreciate it.

Well now I'm facing this issue.. :( I don't know where I'm wrong... ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48464939/72852905-16ce3e00-3d04-11ea-8526-890e182bbc3c.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/48464939/72852919-25b4f080-3d04-11ea-9ec5-8389cdf477d5.png)

As I've understood till now that It's trying to read the CA certificate which is defined in KUBECONFIG file under cluster section -> certificate-autho and server's value... But somehow it...