if number of objects at the image is more than 512 open cv resize method crushes. To solve this problem modify the line `masks = cv2.resize(masks, (width, height))` at /yolact-master/utils/,...
as @Hydr8O said if number of objects in an image is more than ~500 (actually more than 512) open cv method crushes. To solve this problem modify the line `masks...
if number of objects at the image is more than 512 open cv resize method crushes. To solve this problem modify the line `masks = cv2.resize(masks, (width, height))` at /yolact-master/utils/,...
if number of objects at the image is more than 512 open cv resize method crushes. To solve this problem modify the line `masks = cv2.resize(masks, (width, height))` at /yolact-master/utils/,...