
Results 10 comments of Vividha

I agree with the misuse part. So as an alternative what if we could fetch the alt text specified in the image tag? It would at least give a description...

This query `howdoi implement binary tree in C++` gives the following output instead of the actual implementation which is different from other languages also mentioned below - In C++ ```...

These are import errors given by Pylint (2.11.1) upon running `pylint howdoi *.py --rcfile=.pylintrc` ![1]( and upon running `python3 lint` it only checks the howdoi directory ![2]( Development Environment...

> It's strange that it's mostly import errors - it's almost as if Pylint is not using the virtual environment or something like that. Upon checking `which pylint` in the...

Going through the comments in the merged pr, is this about adding specific tests for multiple parsers mentioned above?

@ljharb this option to ignore custom components, is it for `no-access-key` rule only?

Can I look into this?

The flowconfig error i.e. `if [ ! -e ./.flowconfig ]; then echo \"Could not find .flowconfig\"; else flow; test $? -eq 0 -o $? -eq 2; fi` is mentioned in...

`Cannot use import declarations in modules that export using CommonJS (module.exports = 'foo' or = 'hi') import/no-import-module-exports` errors were due to the `module.exports` instead of `export default` that was...

For now, `target` attribute can be assigned using ternary operator provided one of the consequent or alternate is assigned as `_blank`. A similar thing can be added for the `rel`...