+1, debian support would be a great thing :D
Hey Fuog, I tried your "bypass" today and encounteered this error : ```task path: /home/ludo/ansible/roles/nvidia.nvidia_driver/tasks/install-ubuntu-cuda-repo.yml:31 redirecting (type: modules) ansible.builtin.kernel_blacklist to community.general.kernel_blacklist redirecting (type: modules) community.general.kernel_blacklist to community.general.system.kernel_blacklist redirecting (type: modules)...
I surrendered using this role as long as Nvidia don't update it to support Debian, which is one of the most used distrib for server. Anyway, i installed & update...
Finally did it :
No problem about that, the folder's navigation will be quite great for me too, that was just bonus ^^ You think the others are possible ? :)