Utkarsh Verma

Results 74 issues of Utkarsh Verma

Almost all `mpd` clients can interpret the `MPD_HOST` and `MPD_PORT` environment variables for configuring the host and port for mpd. It would be great if this was added to `mpdas`...

You must have noticed that this theme has rarely been updated within the past year, and that's because of my time constraints. After a year, I've finally decided to officially...

I wish to reload `i3blocks` after I make changes to the theme in a script so that the changes are reflected in the status bar.

Is it possible to get clicking and scrolling action over widget as it was there in i3blocks? For example, I have a script which displays the currently playing song. I...

feature request

`dunst` has this thing where it can't parse `rgba` values but it can parse #RRGGBBAA values. Could we add a property to the `Color` class for satisfying this? I added...

Currently, modules are shrunk to their content size in waybar. The behaviour I wish is to have the window module fill the remaining space, so that I can style an...

### Steps to reproduce 1. Create a named workspace using ``` bindkey $mod+1 workspace 1:1 ``` 2. Reload sway 3. Click on the corresponding workspace button. ### The issue The...


# Question I created a GitHub App for Staticman as suggested and my comments were being properly merged into the source. However, I couldn't get webhooks to work. I keep...

Type: Question

I have a [module for Twitter Bootstrap v5](https://github.com/UtkarshVerma/hugo-modules/tree/main/bootstrap-v5) which mounts [`js`](https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/tree/main/js) to `assets/bootstrap`. The mounts are configured here: https://github.com/UtkarshVerma/hugo-modules/blob/main/bootstrap-v5/config.yaml With this configured, I just have to import my Bootstrap plugins...


This PR makes the bar alpha configurable through XRDB.