Is this the complete code or just an example? If I remeber correctly I've seen this error a few times when I forgot an _await_
Is there any news? I started using strictTemplates and since I use prime alot this problem occurs in many places. My suggestion is that optional properties should not only be...
If the FontAwesome CSS setup is an option for you, you can just use `icon="fa-solid fa-user"`.
1. Install FontAwesome npm package: https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/setup/packages 2. Add `"node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free/css/all.min.css"` to the styles array in _angular.json_ On StackBlitz it somehow doesn't work. But I'm pretty sure that was all I had...
I'm not associated with PrimeNG so I can't decide whether your PR will be accepted. But I would use your solution, if it's part of Prime. Who doesn't like a...
ArkInventory lists Scrap_Merchant as an optional dependencie. Therfore ArkInventory always loads Scrap_Merchant. You could check at the start of Button:OnMerchant() whether you're actually at a merchant or the function was...
@SirNorek Scrap_Merchant is a load on demand part of scrap. It'll load the first time you speak to a merchant and calls the OnMerchant() function which auto sells your junk....