Uriel Chemouni

Results 114 comments of Uriel Chemouni

I have just figured out that the issue is due to my GTX 1660 SUPER

in my case I have a single event bus per class. so with evt, evtSocket.$attach will receves all event type, and will have to filter the correct type ? for...

in [this page](https://docs.evt.land/extending_evt) the syntax is more compact ```ts export type ProtocolEventsApi = | [ "Accessibility.loadComplete", Protocol.Accessibility.LoadCompleteEvent, string ] | [ "Accessibility.nodesUpdated", Protocol.Accessibility.NodesUpdatedEvent, string ] | [ "Animation.animationCanceled", Protocol.Animation.AnimationCanceledEvent, string...

There is no faulty URL, but do not expect the URL given from a presentation not to be shortened by part of the audience. nice `ExtractArgs`. So this tuple approach...

Hi, My migration is on hold due to [issue](https://github.com/denoland/node_deno_shims/issues/113) node_deno_shims looks not very active.

I think that this sample match this request: [ovh-upload-doc](https://github.com/UrielCh/api-ovh-node/tree/master/samples/ovh-upload-doc)

I found an ugly solution: ## I replace my non working code ```ts export type * as Protocol from "./types/protocol.d.ts"; ``` ## by an ugly version that looks to works...

After publishing this version, my `types/*.d.ts` are not available in my nodejs version. I need to add an extra step to copy and convert d.ts file in the build.ts,. ```ts...

Hi, In my case, the master node is NATed, with a public IP, and the workers are NATed with NO incoming public IPs. So I set up a wireguard on...

Is the `--flannel-backend=wireguard-native` will work with **worker** nodes not being reachable with a `node-external-ip`? if the internal wireguard-native is a mesh configuration that will not work. If I add some...