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Several branches containing different patches, see the wiki for branch descriptions
database-acquire-from-conn-pool runs a command {rpc sp_reset_connection} when acquiring a connection. It's not clear where that syntax is coming from. The link in the comment is broken. When I run it...
Simple stuff, just a little bit of added convenience.
Example: (clsql-sys::list-sequences :database clsql:*default-database*)
I've been using this for a while now. LW7 requires an extra option to make sure slot values are not optimized when using MOP. The second fix is minor, I...
Hello, I have a problem with clsql when I read float numbers from a database (I use sqlite3). The following repl commands show the problem: >CLSQL-USER> (connect ":memory:" :database-type :sqlite3)...
Symbol is INTERN'ed in lower case when *print-case* is :downcase and oodml.lisp fails to compile.
I've tried to use auto-increment slots on the sqlite3 backend, and they seem to be working only partially. The following code is not working: ``` lisp (ql:quickload "clsql")` (ql:quickload "clsql-sqlite3")...
Hey guys, I spent this whole nigth banging my head trying to understand source of creepy connections errors. They were so creepy that I started to think about multitheading issues...