For Windows I/O, it may be possible to leverage the [MFT](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/fileio/master-file-table) for some operations, namely file enumeration. It is significantly faster than the default provided APIs. Downsides are that administrator...
I've learned that world saving can get the messages to appear. After performing `/save-all` the "7578 biome parameter points were mapped" message appears and the server hitches. Forge version: 1.18.2-40.1.80...
TickEnhancement ChunkEnhancement NullTicks ChunkFaster TooManyTicks NotEnoughTicks MyTPSisBiggerThanYours
The endpoints provided by the OpenID authentication do not give you access to depot downloads, only identity and ownership, that is why full authorisation is required.