Universal_Robots_ROS2_Description copied to clipboard
Is there any tutorial telling how to integrate end effector gripper with ur5e ?
I had a gripper installed on ur5e, but its urdf is not provided. I have to construct its urdf by myself in order to process the collision with gripper . Also I am very confused how to integrate the gripper into the ur5e urdf. I can get the CAD model of the gripper. Is there any step-by-step tutorial starting from gripper CAD model.
@yinguoxiangyi Think of your gripper as a separate robot and model it in URDF (there is a good tutorial in the official ROS 2 docs - https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/Tutorials/Intermediate/URDF/URDF-Main.html ).
After that, you can connect your gripper's base link to the end effector's link (for the UR's URDF it will be tool0
link) with <joint>