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Scripting the Timeline for games in creative ways. Includes a small RTS game build on the 'A Mighty Kingdom' assets

A Terrible Kingdom (Scripting for Timeline)



This project remixes the A Mighty Kingdom assets into a classic RTS game, to provide 3 examples of Scripting the Timeline in creative ways. The project goes together with the presentation Scripting for Timeline.

The whole demo is about Timeline, but a simple RTS game has been built to provide context to the Timelines. A semi-complex Cinemachine solution is also in the scene, made of two different FreeLook rigs, using GroupTarget and a dummy object to allow moving the camera with keys. The demo also uses Post-Processing Stack v1 and Navigation.


Usage instructions

Use the scene Environment. Once in play, an object on the root (DemoHelper) will listen to key presses, to launch the 3 Timelines or gameplay:

  • Pressing 0: reveals some units on the battle field, to briefly demo the gameplay
  • Pressing 1: plays the Flashback Timeline
  • Pressing 2: plays the Storm Timeline (interactive in the central part)
  • Pressing 3: plays the Platoons Timeline


You can watch the talk associated with this project here:
Bridging Gameplay and Storytelling in a RTS game (Unite Austin)

Software Requirements

Required: Unity 2017.2, or later version

Hardware Requirements

Required: Any computer (Win or Mac)

Owner and Responsible Devs

Owners: Ciro Continisio ([email protected])

Major Change Log

  • 02 Dec: Created repository