Hi @FormerLurker , I'm also interested in Arc Welder 3d feature for post processing Grashopper generated non-planar & spiralling Gcode. I'm new to octoprint (just installed it on RasPi) and...
So no one who can explain me how to enable these options? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This baffles me too, I thought it just didn't work until few days ago, when it suddenly worked on one file. But not on recent files anymore. So the must...
> Here was a previous report here: > [#9 (comment)](https://github.com/arduino-libraries/Arduino_SensorKit/issues/9#issuecomment-754139149) > But that was reported as having been fixed. Landed here after endless searching why the OLED stops working if...
@marqdevx Arduino Uno SMD R3