### What happened? I am using Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+, Android 12, and when I intended to choose graph location via SD card, logseq would crash, while it works fine...
Recently, I have been using this plugin, and it is excellent! But I find it would somehow also count tasks in template files. If a scope is set, I can...
**Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Invalid bounds argument. Expected a bounds object with bounds.bottom < bounds.top, and bounds.left < bounds.right. Got {"left":-10,"right":10,"bottom":null,"top":null}...
### 在提问之前... - [X] 我理解 Issue 是用于反馈和解决问题的,而非吐槽评论区,将尽可能提供更多信息帮助问题解决 - [X] 我填写了简短且清晰明确的标题,以便开发者在翻阅 issue 列表时能快速确定大致问题。而不是“一个建议”、“卡住了”等 - [X] 我已查看最新测试版本的更新内容,并未提及该 bug 已被修复的情况 ### 问题描述 在电脑关闭显示器,但是不睡眠的模式下执行maa定时启动。会发现贸易站没有被放上干员。目前遇到的大多数情况是在贸易站下,其他设施也会有这个问题。除了没摆上人的设施 宿舍人员摆放也有问题。其他设施正常。使用的是自己定义的配置。 ### 日志文件 上一次问题出现是10.13 00:00开始执行的任务。 [asst.log](https://github.com/MaaAssistantArknights/MaaAssistantArknights/files/12887907/asst.log) [gui.log](https://github.com/MaaAssistantArknights/MaaAssistantArknights/files/12887908/gui.log) ### 截图 `debug`文件夹下没有相关图片。游戏截图...
I'm not familiar with awk, so i wrote a shell script and let ChatGPT translate it to awk. Furthermore, this only handles events that happened in one day.
### 需要适配的新站 [Steam Community](https://steamcommunity.com/) guide 例子: [fez](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=211057759) [艾尔登法环](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2771317236) ### 有需要请描述这个站的性质 steam是游戏社区,里面会有一部分游戏攻略。