Chen Zhen
Chen Zhen
I see that in your changes are using utf8mb4_general_ci and I would like to propose using utf8mb4_unicode_ci. "general" does not use the unicode rules for sorting and may have unexpected...
Also text fields may be affected in some circumstances. They may require being changed to their upper tiered counterpart. (ie. text to mediumtext)
It's data sorting for various languages that will present obstacles when using general. A brief explanation with some examples can be found on the MySQL forum:,187048,188748
BTW I agree that this is a very important topic. The MySQL website states that utf8mb3 is deprecated and in the very near future will be removed Look at the...
Without this change, a Windows AV will likely falsely flag any created rar archive using this Class as a trojan. Trojan:Script/Foretype.A!ml or Trojan:HTML/Brocoiner.N!lib I'm not sure if all the commands...
Updated with rar flags noted in the last comment. Logic added to check if shell_exec is available.