So it’s working for me as well - but not completely satisfying. The issue is still, that at the end of a Album or Playlist it would restart after removal....
The function is working almost perfect to be honest - but we do need some more information of your set up to try to help. Did you install wiringPi? Are...
And have a look at #869
I am using the develop branch - and with the #869 it is working for me. If the normal branch is yet on python as well (Is it?) - this...
Unfortunately not - they all only work with the „Classic“ Version ans not with the Spotify edition. I’m looking for a solution for the Spotify version.
The howto did not work for me in the newest version. And the excellent Wiki starts with „this howto was tested on the Phoniebox Classic meaning: no Spotify, version 1.1.7“
Hi - unfortunately that’s not implemented by Spotify (see this old post on their help Page: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Live-Ideas/Music-Shuffle-by-Album/idi-p/18457) there could be some kind of solution where you store all AlbumLinks ID...
Sorry - have to wake this one up... everyone is using LEDs in their Jukeboxes - but there is still no documentation at all. I use 6 LED and asking...