Oleg Ovcharenko
Oleg Ovcharenko
For future readers. --- If PR still not merged but you wanna have this fix, you can use my fork. Just replace > django-pure-pagination==0.3.0 with > git+git://github.com/unclevasya/django-pure-pagination.git@disablable_margins in `requirements.txt`
If anyone interested I made a PR solving this: #36 --- For future readers. If PR still not merged but you wanna have this fix, you can use my fork....
This fix is not exactly correct. The leftmost None page will be gone: > [10,11,12,13,14,15,None] And in template it results in this: > previous 10 11 12 13 14 15...
Let's say you have 'my_pagination.html' in your project. In your normal page template you can replace `{{ page.render }}` with `{% include 'my_pagination.html' with page_obj=page %}` And no settings required....