Try to increase amount of virtual memory.
For me Windows Server installer on one of my comps writes that it can't run on my comp... On other comp all going normal. This comp have much less RAM...
> For me Windows Server installer on one of my comps writes that it can't run on my comp... On other comp all going normal. This comp have much less...
On Russian language the same bug. All item names is ???. And string "Base Defense" are on english. But game is localized in russian.
I tried commit https://github.com/planqi/slashdiablo-maphack/pull/29/commits/84e912d7838043a1790bd860d7f28e4f026251cc and it works! Russian item names writes right with it!
It's strange, but on screenshots blur behind works fine, but on screen all window is blurred and no text on it or tittle. Only blur. Maybe it caused by monitor...
[Item.zip](https://github.com/planqi/slashdiablo-maphack/files/6043772/Item.zip) 288 string
Windows 10 Pro 22H2 19045.3996. Immersive version installs and launchs without errors. Running launch_immersive.bat again says that service is already running. But no flayouts effects added.