Darren Ng
Darren Ng
Second attempt fails with a different cable (both USB-A to lightning). This time the following becomes the first error encountered. ```plain [===================================== ] 72.0%ERROR: Unable to send data to ASR....
I have updated the first comment with my libplist and libusb version. > Hi, I found building **libusb** and **libplist** from scratch helpful ~Should I build "the latest release" or...
```plain $ pactree idevicerestore-git -a | tr '|`-' ' ' ``` I will try building all the following packages (non-exhaustive) from the latest git version. ```plain idevicerestore-git libirecovery-git libusb libimobiledevice...
I will, but I need couple of days 'cause I cannot reinstall all of them on my everyday laptop. That's gonna remove 700+ packages. I'd rather do it on my...
Build succeeds with `-DTESTS=OFF` but how may I build the test suite then?
[Ubuntu 20.10 Groovy Gorilla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_version_history#2010) provides /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/libsupc++.a in package [libstdc++-10-dev](https://packages.ubuntu.com/groovy/amd64/libstdc++-10-dev/filelist) Arch Linux: ```plain $ pacman --query --owns /usr/lib/lib{sup,std}* /usr/lib/libsupc++.a is owned by gcc 10.2.0-6 /usr/lib/libstdc++.a is owned by gcc 10.2.0-6 /usr/lib/libstdc++fs.a...
FYI before (collapsed in cmake -LA 2>&1): >CXX_RUNTIME_LIB:FILEPATH=/usr/lib/libsupc++.a after: ```plain $ cmake -S .. -B . -LA |& grep CXX_RUNT CXX_RUNTIME_LIB:FILEPATH=CXX_RUNTIME_LIB-NOTFOUND ```
``` git clone --recursive https://github.com/rime/weasel.git fgrep -nr --binary-files=text "勾選" weasel/ fgrep -nr --binary-files=text "$(iconv -f utf8 -t cp936
[rc](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/resource-files-visual-studio) in [8462b83](https://github.com/rime/weasel/tree/8462b83b355c444e59d37bbff04d14260b825333) ``` git clone --recursive https://github.com/rime/weasel.git find weasel/ -name "*.rc" -exec iconv -f utf16le -t utf8 {} -o {}.utf8 \; find weasel/ -name "*.rc.utf8" -exec fgrep -Hn --binary-files=text...