Coming back to this, a question occurs: Uruk-hai are bred for strength and thus defy the newly-established standard orcish cap of 18/50 STR for polyforms - they can also grow...
Noticed that with my current Firefighter - I have flying boots and can not only easily reproduce the above, but also discovered that if a food item is in a...
I feel like a starting inventory buff would go a _longer_ way towards curbing start scumming, like what was done with the current Wizard starting inventory for instance. Start scumming...
Explore mode is already mentioned in the Guidebook as an option for novices.
Edited since I skimmed too fast: I think we're back into "how much of this is really on devs" territory, but rather than discouraging start scumming, it's enlightening players as...
There IS an installer though - right on [NetHack's official site](, along with online copies of the Guidebook for each version (mall beat me to the documentation bit).
Right, I made the mistake of presuming the download had an actual binary, but the unpacking process should absolutely make the presence of the Guidebook clear, I feel. > Anyway,...
I'm pretty sure Hardfought allows explore mode for a few variants, actually - I think you might have to set it in your rcfile, I'd have to ask around, but...
"There's also no reason to expect that they'd hate Excalibur more than e.g. Grayswandir or Frost Brand." I mean, Asmodeus in particular resists cold damage...
...okay, but the central issue I was hoping to focus on on scalpels still having the to-hit penalty despite being stackable _and_ multishot-eligible like other knives (which I don't think...