Hello, build/bundle eletron-vaadin.exe fails with unhandled exception, due to path issues, when executing from build\bundle\electron-vaadin-win32-x64 directory main.js serverspawn doesnt take into account `resources/app` directory where node script is running: if...
``` verifying signature for:test_ns.xml XmlError { prefix: 'XMLJS', code: 9, name: 'XmlError', message: "XMLJS0009: Malformed element 'QualifyingProperties'", stack: "Error: XMLJS0009: Malformed element 'QualifyingProperties'\n" + ' at new XmlError (..\\node_modules\\xml-core\\dist\\index.js:216:22)\n' +...
Hi, I just cant get it to work.. I tried repeating steps to push stream with ffmpeg and get stuck on connect because amf txid is
please correct package.json, it appears app will not load as there are deprecated elements https://github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/3972
Pitty, but I couldnt use this plugin inside rollup config. I added browserifyPlugin processing after resolve and commonjs transformations which produce a valid JS file consumable by browserify, but the...
I am getting CKR_OPERATION_ACTIVE error when signing multiple documents. If I add a delay of at least 500ms between each signing call, it succeeds. ``` const sign = async function(inputXml,...
public static final String RESOURCE_WARN = "/META-INF/cacheonix-logging-warn.properties"; while the resource itself is named cacheonix-logging-warning.properties