I run into the same problem. Is there any other solution than deactivating the rule for TypeScript files?
I would be glad to see that feature
I stumbled across this issue and have to say: It would be great if I can configure `jsdoc/tag-lines` between tags of same group + between different groups. The example of...
`EventStoreNodeConnection` inherits from `EventEmitter` but the `removeListener` methods are missing at the declaration. Would be nice to get them.
I'm not so deep inside the node-eventstore-client because that I can't recheck the whole declarations so easily. But I added my requested `EventEmitter` support to `EventStoreNodeConnection` at PR #66 But...
I would like to see a method like that. It feels false to re-create a marker/line just because I want to change the behavior of the interactivity
Ohhh, f*** I found my problem. It was a configuration mistake. Sorry, sorry, sorry. But i played around a little bit with the customRegex option and now I have a...
great, that would fix #9