Ulises Gascón

Results 94 comments of Ulises Gascón

Hi @gabrielsdiogo! You can use [remove method](https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.15#remove) from lodash: ```js db.get(collection).remove(/*criteria works like in filter()*/) ```

Hi @xrr2016! If you need help with the tests. Please ping me and I will try to help you 👍

@ckarande and @lirantal seems like I was able to fix the CI issues with Lerna. 🎉 I will work now on the documentation and then I will work to enable...

Thanks @lucas1004jx for join us! 🤗 This issue is assigned to you, please remember to refer to this issue when do you submit a PR, so we can connect the...

Thank you, @PeterWunderlich! :-)

Hi @PeterWunderlich! 1. Don't worry about the README.md dependencies. I will include an script that will autodocument that part for us. 2. Feel free to add `cross-env` to add support...

On Hold, see: https://github.com/OWASP/NodeGoat/issues/201

Hi @sagar608! Thanks for open this issue and fix the 404 missing page in a PR. We are working now in the Lerna implementation #187. Once the PR #189 is...

Hi @sher04lock!! Sorry for the delay in my response, I was quite disconnected the last few weeks. Thanks a lot for bring this idea. I love it! ❤️ Right now...

thanks a lot @ckarande !! 🤗 Can you add me extra rights for manage issue label creation and milestone assignation? maybe projects, too? :-)