> If kiwmi migrates to `wlr_scene`, the pre/post-render events will have to be replaced (also see #60, pls comment if you can) I have no idea how the scene graph...
Okay, that makes sense. I've just had a quick look though wlr_scene.h and it seems like you're able to create coloured rectangles and add them to you scene graph. We...
Changed event name, removed pre- and post-render events and rebased on top of the scene graph changes
I usually wrap each of my cases in braces: `case whatevs: { int i = 1; some_function( i ); break; } ...`. Has the advantange of making variable scopes a...
Wait! No! This version isn't sending events to lua at all. Rats. I'll see if I can fix that tomorrow...
Another small problem I've noticed: if you disable a monitor using wlr-randr or whatever, the bounds for the cursor remain unchanged; you can move it off screen, into the invisible...