ᡠᠵᡠᡳ ᡠᠵᡠ ᠮᠠᠨᡩ᠋ᠠᠨ

Results 15 issues of ᡠᠵᡠᡳ ᡠᠵᡠ ᠮᠠᠨᡩ᠋ᠠᠨ

**世界上本没有中国 🇨🇳** **是中国人创造了中国 🇨🇳** **6500万年前 🇨🇳** **印度板块与亚欧板块开始碰撞 🇨🇳** **青藏高原剧烈隆起 🇨🇳** **逐渐抬升至4000米以上 🇨🇳** **如此之高的海拔 🇨🇳** **使得亚欧大陆东部的大气环流发生重大改变 🇨🇳** **原本盛行于此的西风环流以及干冷的冬季风 🇨🇳** **受到青藏高原阻扰 🇨🇳** **大量集聚于西北内陆 🇨🇳** **南部的印度洋夏季风携带着巨大水汽汹涌北上 🇨🇳** **碰到高耸的喜马拉雅山脉 🇨🇳** **也不得不停滞于山脉以南 🇨🇳** **冬季干冷气流集聚 🇨🇳**...

当 listen_ip 为 IPv6 地址,比如 ::1 时,simple_http_server 回报错误: ``` 2024-01-21 05:48:21.953 - [ERROR] serve except:TypeError('not all arguments converted during string formatting') 2024-01-21 05:48:21.956 - [ERROR] Except stack:Traceback (most recent call...

### 复现步骤 / Step to reproduce 1. 进入主页或者订阅 2. 下拉刷新 3. 再次尝试下拉刷新 ### 预期行为 / Expected behaviour 1. 动画中出现的刷新图标应该在再往下面一点,使其显示完整 2. 可以多次刷新 ### 实际行为 / Actual Behaviour 1. 目前动画是这样的,只能看到半个刷新图标 ![Screenshot_20230808-151057](https://github.com/Ehviewer-Overhauled/Ehviewer/assets/125150101/38c94e8e-7ebc-434f-88cd-adfabb9d9f39) 2....


### 复现步骤 / Step to reproduce 1. 打开下载原图 2. 进入 https://e-hentai.org/g/2473776/963968ba2c/ 3. 进入浏览页面,图片加载完毕后,放大图片 4. 黑屏 ### 预期行为 / Expected behaviour 放大图片。 ### 实际行为 / Actual Behaviour 黑屏。 ### 应用日志 /...


Nov. 13, 2020 A typical DNS poisoning event consists of three steps: 1. A client sends a DNS query to a DNS server, asking for the IP address of a...


请看 https://developer.android.google.cn/develop/ui/views/launch/icon_design_adaptive 。

![Ft7CSjHakAMNwtj](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/125150101/232689473-4009529d-d4bf-487a-a7ef-7eed299acd91.jpeg) ![Ft7CSt6agA4JCle](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/125150101/232689495-b11aacd8-4f56-4c6a-a34e-08a6f2b2d36f.jpeg)


It will be best if the default theme has a dark mode, and auto switching between dark and light due to system settings.

See the [JSON file](https://download.dnscrypt.info/dnscrypt-resolvers/json/public-resolvers.json) for generating map, some servers have a `location` value and some do not, but I did't see anywhere to modify `location` in the [dnscrypt-resolvers](https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers) repo.

@xiaojieonly 早就有人说过了( https://github.com/xiaojieonly/Ehviewer_CN_SXJ/issues/837 ),原图地址需要更新。 你的 c87fb689cbf5d014fbdd8b5e8ec2adcb18e81014 和 da7e2afc5773c33c1bcda536a3e4534e3b66c2cc 是不完整的,参见隔壁白E的修改:https://github.com/EhViewer-NekoInverter/EhViewer/commit/1293b48df66723b63153c6c5d3ebcfcdf60b21d8 。