Results 4 comments of UDBHAV VIKRAM SINGH

For YouTube support try React native YouTube iframe npm package

> **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. > > **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: > > **Expected behavior** A clear and...

> Any update? I think package's developer do not care, so instead waiting for their reply what i did was this `const is_Calender_Permission_Granted = await PermissionsAndroid.check('android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR'); if (!is_Calender_Permission_Granted) { const...

Do it like this change it according to your need `const Match_time = (new Date(Item.Date_Time).getTime() - 1200000); const Match_Time_Before_20_Min = new Date(Match_time); const TimeAfter_1_Hr = (new Date(Item.Date_Time).getTime() + 2400000); const...