_""Seek Speed" value for when your RPM and load resetting to idle or vice verse reaching to max RPM. So, the game completely ignores that values, even if i set...
Hello! I wanted to separate hangar.bank for this update. Unfortunately, I didn't make it in time. I'm about to do it for the next update. Agree, that bank doesn't make...
That depends on music event type. There are tree types. Hangar music - for every nation you switch on. Battle music - when battle starts (transition between lobby and battle)....
Yes, it's like this for now. I'm about to add all crew voices, but I don't know when, I should spare for this some significant time.
Hello! I don't remember how it has been done, will see monday. But I think most likely it is field snapshot, it mutes inner tank sounds.
Take a look at VCA buses, they control the gain of a given event not depending on bus gain.
Hello! The new fmod project update will be released in a couple of weeks. We need to consider current project state as stable. SInce then, you can try to switch...
@Iwan1907 hello! Like @RadonSound said, be sure all music events are empty (doesn't contain missing music instruments).
I'm not sure what are you trying to do, but I suspect your problem is in hangar.bank. It contains some hangar music events. It is not convenient, I know, I'll...
I'll check music system, guys, have no idea about it for now. Thanks for informing me. We reworking music system but this work was postponed.