Thanks for sharing such great work! I have some problem about how to using adapt-mlp in swin? As we know, number channel is different in different stage of swin, so...
when using instance-level self-supervised learning on FPN, do we need to add loss on each level of FPN or still in C5 ?
when using P3-P6 of FPN to do self-supervised learning, how should we set the distance threshold? Setting it to be 0.7 each level or setting to different value on different...
论文中没有说明multi layer的mimic是怎样进行的,所以我按照rpn分配正样本的规则分配gt到不同的level,即如果一个gt在某个level有正样本,那么该gt就参与生成该level的imitation region,但是实验之后我发现效果很差,蒸馏后的性能比student的baseline还低。请问论文中在进行带fpn的蒸馏实验时是如何分配gt的呢?还是有哪些细节我没有关注到?求解答
I want to train pspnet on my own dataset, but I don't know how to calculate the loss because there are two outputs x and x_aux when training, the x_aux...
I have trained a caffemodel from your tutorial, but the test result is bad. I think it is because of little dataset. Could you please tell me where I can...
Firstly I trained a teacher model and its accuracy is correct, then I train ssp head of teacher model, but I found loss of ssp head falling slowly. the initial...
Hello, Have you ever try to transfer the simsiam model to object detection task. I have trained a 200-epoch model on ImageNet through simsiam(following the optimal config in paper), Then...