And plugins are useless because of sandboxing =\ Bullshit... There is no need for sandboxing... I'm installing my script on my pc... why sandbox me from me? This windows security...
@fabioxgn and how to ignore the nickname changes? PS thank you.. realy helpfull... chat is so much easier to read now PPS where i can read about /ignore in CIRC
There is no list of messages types...
When i try ``` php $response->setStatusCode(415); ``` i'm getting this ``` FatalErrorException: Error: Call to undefined method Oneup\UploaderBundle\Uploader\Response\EmptyResponse::setStatusCode() ```
Still not resolved...
I think you are wrong!
Oh... two different "twig.js" projects... and why this one was chosen to be in the bundle... PS: I was using swig.js with my recent nodejs project, and i was more...
@adam-lynch How did you add runtime filter? Can't get it to work... #34
@adam-lynch Same for Compile time... Can't get a compiler to configure it...
@adam-lynch Assetic gives me 500 error on templates that use not existing at compile-time filters #34, and #18 does not give me a clue why it's happen...