Results 33 issues of UNDERCOVERj

I want to express number string。just use `z.string().numeric()` to replace `z.string().regex(/^[0-9]*$/)` https://github.com/colinhacks/zod/issues/1240

``` import {Type} from 'class-transfomer'; import {IsNumber} from 'class-validator'; class TestDto { @IsNumber() @Type(() => Number) a: number; } ``` I can input { a: '123' } , and then...

sometimes,I have multiple comments for a key-value,so I want to use `.describe().describe()`。

as you can see,ZodType does not have extend,so how can I write the type for `FormData` ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23290513/179780835-1de07aac-fe51-468e-853d-a4842a210604.png)


with @swc/jest ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23290513/178228767-cfbb8e63-b1d6-4530-9352-cbc58e059e4d.png) with ts-jest ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/23290513/178228921-a9ddc151-aaae-459b-a653-b1cd76ffbf55.png) .swcrc ``` { "jsc": { "parser": { "syntax": "typescript", "tsx": false, "decorators": true }, "transform": { "legacyDecorator": true, "decoratorMetadata": true }, "target": "es2018" },...

http://news-at.zhihu.com 不在以下 request 合法域名列表中,请参考文档:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/wxadoc/dev/api/network-request.html

my project is a react project, but I don't know which tool to choose

the projectPath in react is "", so in vscode it is "vscode://:49:14",but is not available, it should be "vscode://my/path/file/:49:14", so I should write from '' to ''

i want to get how many files under a folder