
Results 62 comments of UInt2048

Is there a space by any chance there? An answer that short has to be a perfect match (no typo tolerance)

@AtahanGit That setting adds the plus button to let you override correct answers & add synonyms, but it doesn’t change tolerance.

> less than 0,5 sec @mat-robert Interesting, didn’t think anyone input that fast without Anki mode on

Does the “reveal full answer” setting work as a workaround? iPhoneから送信 > 2022/08/10 9:20、Raiga71 ***@***.***>のメール: > >  > App on iPhone crashes any time I press the show all...

Tsurukame shows all available lessons by default (old behavior) with the understanding you'll pace yourself. WaniKani introduced a lesson pacing thing on the site to encourage you not to do...

The number of lessons is configurable on WaniKani: https://tofugu.notion.site/User-Setting-for-Number-of-Today-s-Lessons-b32c4bae5cf44aa6baa860711eff4a91 Implementing it here would be a little difficult, because we'd need to keep track of a Heatmap-like awareness of how many...

@HealsCodes No, there's no functional difference in the API. All of them are available. The site's "rate limiting" is purely cosmetic. You can achieve the same effect by just limiting...

@HealsCodes The apprentice limit is based on how many Apprentice SRS stage items you have and has nothing to do with the other limit @syndual I tried to do this...

@sagecedar Definitely, that's why I don't want it to close, since that screenshot looks awful on the iPad with that font size. This is due to the implementation in #294