
Results 3 issues of UIT-20521672

I am trying to install charm on Kali Linux, my python version is Python 3.10.4. I have installed the dependencies: GMP 5.x, PBC, OPENSSL. After that, I ran "./configure.sh" and...

I tried the CP-ABE example in OpenABE Command-line utilities documentation, and the oabe_setup, oabe_kegen part is OK. But the encryption command has error as below. I don't understand what is...

On Ubuntu 16.04, after the installation process, I tried this command "$UAFUZZ_PATH/tests/example.sh aflqemu 360" and got an error: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91721050/207602298-4e32eb40-cf12-4267-9146-88d4cde3b84c.png) I have checked the tests folder, it does have example folder...