
Results 10 issues of U-4-E-A

Use case - you don't want passwords to contain emails or websites (too guessable). Would like to interrogate the string to see if it _contains_ than that just _is_. Thanks.

🐛 bug

This is not possible with the current repo (although I may be wrong). I would love the ability to intrinsically animate the height of a dropdown, especially in a responsive...

I just started using sequelize cli, having moved over from using PHP migrations. I was surprised to find that it doesn't seem possible to apply/undo a single migration file at...


``` app.use( '/graphql', expressGraphQL((req, res) => ({ schema, context: { req, res, currentUser: req.user, db, confirmCurrentUser: (): void => { if (typeof req.user === 'undefined') { res.status(401) } } },...

I have AdminLTE running in ReactJS but I was wondering there is a method out there for setting the parent li to .active based on the child also being .active?...

Instead of of having to use this option as a string: - `fetchPolicy: 'cache-first'` It would be better for error reduction if the FetchPolicy was refactored to use constants and...


### Prerequisites - [X] I have written a descriptive issue title - [X] I have searched existing issues to ensure the issue has not already been raised ### Issue I...

References #197 and #199. Currently, both the following are treated the same: - ``` import React from "react" import { MyReactComponent } from "./react" ``` Both will be suffixed: -...

v3.0.4 When I use the following config, I get the warning "Matcher pwned already exists". I still works as expected, just not sure why I am getting this message? ```...

### Acknowledgements - [X] I read the documentation and searched existing issues to avoid duplicates - [X] I am reporting a confirmed bug (not seek debugging help) - [X] I...
