Tsvetelin Bleskov

Results 7 comments of Tsvetelin Bleskov

It will be great to have 0.12+ support in prettyplan. Is there another way to parse terraform output plan to UI in HTML for the user? I'm using Python to...

I'm first sorry that I didn't brind more light to this. Example works indeed, as when we do not have proper route it brings: ``` Cannot GET /testRoute/2 ``` and...

He is my working example. If you have some recommendation to make it better will be tankfull: ``` const docker = new Docker({ socketPath: process.platform === 'win32' ? '//./pipe/docker_engine' :...

What I did further more is to use docker.createContainer. Is this the path to go in my case? Example: ``` // Create temp dir to store stdout and stderr thru...

They changed the HTTP timeout behaviour - Node v16 vs v18: v16: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v16.x/lib/_http_server.js v18: https://github.com/nodejs/node/blob/v18.x/lib/_http_server.js You are going to see in v18 this code: ``` const requestTimeout = options.requestTimeout; if...

Yes, the result is the same. If I add additional async function "await testMe()" before "await executorModel.update", it resolves each task in testMe, but still async function from Sequelize update...

+1. I see ``` await docker.pull(image) ``` is supported, but it actually doesn't work properly. Function completes, but the image is still not there, and after some time it appears.