Oleksii Holub

Results 341 comments of Oleksii Holub

My reply: https://github.com/Tyrrrz/CliFx/discussions/114#discussioncomment-1752827

Note: this is better implemented as another `string` property on the `CommandAttribute`, not as a type member as visualized in the original post.

> Do you plan to document (or already have documented) a table of version compatibility for CliFx? For example, I have a project at work locked into .NET 4.8 for...

I see. In any case, there aren't any breaking changes in the backlog, so .NET Framework drop won't happen very soon. It will be most likely packaged in the next...

Hm, no, that would be unrelated to that. What is the error exactly?

Thanks for letting me know, I'll try to fix it in next release. You _might_ be able to work around this by adding a package reference to `Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp` manually.

@rcdailey try the latest release, see if it works for you

FYI, decided to postpone this indefinitely, but whenever 3.x comes, it will most likely include this breaking change.

I don't have a very strong argument against it, but I generally wanted to limit alternative ways of doing the same thing. The space delimited syntax seems more common and...

Thanks! Yeah, that's a good idea. Maybe if the supplied argument contains an equals sign, we can provide an additional hint. Alternatively we can just extend that error messages with...