## Context Open Payments Get Wallet Address request allows for additional properties to be returned: but Rafiki does not support changing those fields just yet: We would like to add...
### Context - fixes #1383 ### Changes
### Context We have made great improvements on developer experience by having automatic [email protected] user already in place, when a new local environment is installed. The [email protected] user already has...
### Context We are using in several places tooltips in the project. We should use RADIX UI tooltips - for example new design Payment Pointer list page - Copy payment...
## Context We have a Revoke button appearing now for every grant in the list, that is finalized. Once you revoke the grant, it dissapears from the list. We would...
Make sure Onboarding has the new look and feel of the design. https://testnet-mockup.surge.sh/wallet/ https://testnet-mockup.surge.sh/wallet/styleguide/
### Context - fixes #1693 ### Changes - added in sandbox mode a dialog to deposit money
### Context - fixes #1518 ### Changes - added terminate button with action to open a dialog to confirm termination -
### Context - fixes #1516 ### Changes - added functionalities to lock a card or unlock a card
### Context Implement freeze/unfreeze card: ### Todos - [ ] implement freeze/unfreeze pages - [ ] make sure all functionalities work