Tylor Steinberger

Results 39 issues of Tylor Steinberger

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Not a problem per se, but just a thought for lowering the barrier to entry. **Describe the solution you'd like**...


I have been reading through the reddit post and a common thread I see is not taking to the use of mongodb. I'm not currently aware of the featureset of...


Documentation around deploying to common platforms would be really helpful for a lot of people getting started. A stretch goal would to be to maybe provide some templates or examples?...


# Overview Add modules option for makeHTMLDriver ``` diff import Rx from 'rx' -import toHTML from 'snabbdom-to-html' +import init from from 'snabbdom-to-html/init' +import AttrsModule from 'snabbdom-to-html/modules/attributes' +import StyeModule from 'snabbdom-to-html/modules/style'...

I was wondering if there is any interest in some form of a web components driver. The DOM driver is likely to remove custom elements in the future so maybe...

help wanted
priority 2 (could)
issue is feature suggestion
scope: dom

`TypeError: prelude_1.prop is not a function`


The functions `zip`, `zipItems`, `snapshot`, `slice`, `scan`, `loop` and `combine` all have invalid TypeScript definitions when using partial application. We'll want to use the same techniques describe in #288 to...

:sweat: Type: Chore

Currently the types allow only the event values via `Stream`. What if we also included the error type `Stream`? Reference https://github.com/TylorS/typed-stream/issues/1 cc @goodmind

:hammer_and_wrench: Type: Feature
:speech_balloon: Type: Discussion

DO NOT MERGE YET! I'd like to look at one other alternative changelog generator for comparison.

If and when #242 is merged there will internally be a function `toVnode` that converts an element and all of it's children to a `VNode`. From a more general stance...

affects:developer only
breaking change