Tyler Jones
Tyler Jones
Yes. I have the db directory and two files under it: chroma-collections.parquet and chroma-embeddings.parquet.
It seems like in: langchain --> vectorstores --> chroma.py, the block of code ``` if TYPE_CHECKING: import chromadb import chromadb.config ``` may be the source of the issue
The issue is related to some code I added in to preprocess the text and eliminate any special characters: Thank you for the quick response.
@Rivaltoss did you make any code changes?
One thing: Within the DB folder there should be the two files but also an index directory as well. When I was getting the error, there was no index directory....
> > No. > > Anyway, now i found out the DB folder is created and two parquet files are there, however i tried to do the Ingest part again...
@toninog getting the same error as you now, have you found a solution?
Getting the same error. It was mentioned here as well: https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT/issues/11#issuecomment-1540013300