Tyler Langan
Tyler Langan
Ah! So losing that many points just means it was a relatively popular combination of characters! That makes sense. Also, I just used the format in ariel.csv (trophies in the...
For anyone else wondering, to make namespaces, modify lifestyle-csv2vw with the following code ``` printf "%.2f |f @sum_factors\n", $sum_gain; ``` (f is now the namespace) I'm going to do more...
Any idea why this error fires when I add --interactions or -q? I got it working yesterday somehow (with interactions). Anyway, here's the error: ``` == FATAL: vw subprocess failed...
I'm interested in playing around with this maybe. Can you tell me a little more about why you chose the phoenix framework for this? Is this promotional for their framework?...
I came here to ask the same question! Is there any reason I can't move it over to the packages folder? Makes more sense to me conceptually.
Thanks! I just updated angular-ui bootstrap after using your mean-admins package. The entire accordion tab should be clickable now instead of just the text. UX Dork
Been having the same problem and trouble shooting this all day.
Hey, it's working I guess. meanio needs to be version 0.5.34 and "mean-admin": "linnovate/mean-admin" fixes it. Thank god. ::falls into bed from exhaustion::
Nope.. it's broken. I think it's on a weird port now?
@iamlogiq I wish I could be more helpful, but I don't remember how I did it. Using this thread I did get it working, though.