Tyler Pfledderer

Results 45 issues of Tyler Pfledderer

## Description Create the `SkipNavLink` and `SkipNavContent` components ## Motivation and Context - Based on the components from the [react package](https://github.com/chakra-ui/chakra-ui/blob/next/packages/skip-nav/src/index.tsx), including overall build and base styling - A link...

## Pull request checklist Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features) - [...

Closes #790 Replace all instances of the React Live Previews with the use of the CSB Sandpack . > Note: Any instance of the word `Sandpack` will be abbreviated to...

### Description When I am at any doc page covering a component which contains a table of contents - if I navigate to the `Props` or `Theming` tab I expect...

Type: Bug 🐛

Closes #206 Add documentation to provide an overview of all the the Theme Tool methods that are publicly available for use in custom theme configs. Does not include the code...


Trims the syntax for all of the svgs under `components/icons` and `components/svgs`. ## Current Rendering The icons currently render a nested `svg` due to this element being added in the...

This PR creates a machine for the Navigation Menu pattern. This is a pattern to create a menu-like site navigation of links with multiple menus, without the accessibility from the...

## Description ## Related Issue

dependencies :package:
internal :house:

_Replaces #10542_ _Part of Implementation of new DS v1 #9548_ ## Description This PR update the usage of the `react-select` package. - Bumps the `react-select` dep to latest which includes...

review needed :eyes:
dependencies :package:
tooling :wrench:

## Description This PR adds back in the Chakra CLI to generate typing based on the custom theme configuration. This is helpful for IDE auto-completion to be able to recognize...

dependencies :package:
internal :house: