Thomas Dalichow

Results 20 issues of Thomas Dalichow

I can only quote the [original issue from the mattermost-server repository](, because @robert-scheck spelled out the problem meticulously already. I'll add a few additions below that quote. It might, in...

Hi folks, I've just started using andstatus and am pretty content so far :) However, one thing has been quite a nuisance: The symbol (heart) for 'faving' a post only...

UX issue

Hi folks, in my case, hubot doesn't seem to respond to private messages. First thing you will probably ask: configuration options for hubot - `LISTEN_ON_ALL_PUBLIC=true` should, [according to the docs](,...

#### Pull Request (PR) description This removes the superfluous daemon-reload code in this module. The upstream module ( removed the support for puppet 4 and 5 that made this reload...


Hi Anton, great to see the funding for iOS was successful and that there's an app available. What I missed, though, is support for SSL connections to the traccar server,...

Ony tiny feature that could come in handy: I am just recently ripping my entire CD collection. There are some albums or tracks or even artists I know that I'll...

Hi folks, unfortunately your database is not normalized ( For example, the song table holds highly redundant information about artists, bands and genres: ``` mysql> select id,title,album,artist,band,genre from songs; +------+----------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-----------------------+-------+...

Hi folks, if and when #99 and #97 are implemented there would be the possibilty to have some cool social features, for example: - following users from your local sonerezh...

Hi folks, if and when #97 gets implemented, there should be some kind of notication system. This would simply involve some "inbox" that holds messages. Messages can be "new" (and...

Hi folks, if and when #97 gets implemented, one could implement some inter-account sharing, meaning that one user of sonerezh ("uploader-user-alice") could recommend tracks to another user ("uploader-user-bob"). When this...