The datatype in SMCGetFanRPM doesn't match. This fixes getting the data: `#define IS_FLT(A) *(UInt32*)(A.dataType) == *(UInt32*)("flt ")` `float SMCGetFanRPM(char* key)` `{` ` SMCVal_t val;` ` kern_return_t result;` ` result =...
I avoided the problem by using the formula instead of the cask: brew uninstall emacs-mac # Remove cask brew install emacs-mac # Install formula ln -s /usr/local/opt/emacs-mac/ /Applications/ # Link...
Did you try using the formula instead of the cask as per my previous comment? Then you don't need the redraw-display workaround.
I think your patch might be included in the formula. See and
Good to hear that it has helped. I haven't had any crashes but my sessions are usually short and I probably don't drive emacs as hard as you do :)....