Tonći Galić

Results 8 comments of Tonći Galić

Hi Sam, You're completely right, `inotify-tools` was actually all I needed, sorry for the confusion :see_no_evil: I don't have access to a Windows machine so cannot check there, however digging...

I've also tried this on my Linux machine and got a segmentation fault: ``` ~/Projects/Experiments/lumen-cli$ /opt/lumen/bin/lumen compile init.erl Compiling init.erl Segmentation fault (core dumped) ``` How can I get more...

Trying this on a Mac (mojave) also fails to compile: ``` ~/Projects/experiments/lumen-cli$ /opt/lumen/bin/lumen compile init.erl Compiling init.erl Assertion failed: (impl && "isa used on a null type."), function isa, file...

As you suggested in the other topic, I've retrieved the backtrace (hope it helps): ``` ~/Projects/Experiments/lumen-cli$ ~/.local/share/llvm/lumen/bin/lldb /opt/lumen/bin/lumen -- compile (lldb) target create "/opt/lumen/bin/lumen" Current executable set to '/opt/lumen/bin/lumen' (x86_64)....

Yes, Linux mint, @lpil's Ubuntu (running behind WSL) and the distro I use (PopOS) are all Ubuntu derivatives, so I think we're hitting the same issue. I tried to compile...

I think I have an idea: your own application has the same name as the package you are using. Normally Elixir would fail to compile (as it tries to compile...

Yup, another good catch. Writing this thing made me realise how flexible Elixirs syntax is :sweat_smile: I'm rephrasing the issue so it reads more like other "TODOs"

Yes, I think this might be the hardest issue on the list of todos. Semicolons and newlines are valid expression terminators, however some expression span multiple lines, so I don't...