Tushar Deshpande
Tushar Deshpande
I am interested in knowing if PBMCs infiltrate into the brain. I want to deconvolute bulk RNA seq data of human brain using single cell data of human PBMCs. Does...
I de-convoluted 12 bulk RNA seq samples of brains from mice subjected to stroke. Each brain was separated into two hemispheres (Ipsilateral where ischemia took place and we expect neuronal...
Dear All, I am struggling to understand the trajectory. I read that black circles are nodes and the grey ones are their destinations, but I could not find the meaning...
Hello, I ran following code `> wt1cx wt1cx[["percent.mt"]] wt1cx 500 & nFeature_RNA < 5000 & percent.mt < 10) > wt1cx wt1cx wt1cx.allgenes wt1cx wt1cx wt1cx wt1cx library(DoubletDecon) > Improved_Seurat_Pre_Process(wt1cx, num_genes=50,...