I think automatically supporting some modded blocks would be cool too. I have a lot of Thaumcraft blocks already fluidlogged in the config and I wouldn't mind contributing if that...
I was thinking of an Arcane Hammer or a mechanical tool of some kind in place of the build focus if it were to go the same route as the...
I think adding a decorative totem would be cool too maybe as a structure scattered all over the emptiness. One thing I missed from older Thaumcraft versions is having some...
I think one way to make it stand out more from Thaumic Wonders is to have all the arrows fired disintegrate when they hit something, it makes them more situational...
This might seem a little bit random but have you checked the focal manipulator from older versions? I think it might give a few ideas on the interface of the...
There's also an animation that plays on older versions once it goes through the second phase. Orbs start appearing around it and it starts to conduct electricity. I never seen...
I actually was unsure whether to include excavation for that exact reason actually. Frost is also heavily debatable to add because it's also possible to have bouncy projectiles through the...