App is now on F-Droid. This can be closed i think?!
Sadly i have to ask for reopening of this issue @patrickgold I had the problem with 0.3.14 aswell and it was fixed with 0.3.15. But today i suddenly realized that...
It happened again several times since I mentioned it here. The problem just suddenly appears and disappears again after a short time.
> Do you use a 4-row or 5-row character layout? (excluding the additional number row) I am using the German (QWERTZ) layout which has 4 rows on the character page...
https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64365398/173240007-74018712-bbf7-4d14-bc5e-9fa9246fd607.mp4 @patrickgold Here is a video of the problem. It happens about once every other day. Maybe i'll try the 0.3.16 beta...
@patrickgold Didnt happen once with 0.3.16. i think this can be closed now.
@tsiflimagas @patrickgold This happened again today with 0.3.16. Had it happen some days ago aswell. So the issue is still there and should be reopened. But happens lot less frequently...