Hi, I am also interested to get this model streaming to work in Unity. Did You make any progress implementing this into Unity?
This sounds great. Couple months have passed and would like to inquire if there has been any progress on this or updated schedule? Will the code be available on this...
Hi, Just wanted to know if there has been some progress porting nexus to unity?
Hi, Thanks a lot from help. I will start investigating Potree and how to implement this same idea into this project. -Tuomas
Hi, Thanks for the hints. that is exactly what I meant. What do You think that could this be on the development roadmap as I am a novice when it...
I have now managed to get the node/gameobjects names that are intersecting ray. Now would need to get the point data that is inside each octree node. Can I somehow...
Hi, @SFraissTU Thanks for having time to answer to my question. At the moment I only have gameobjects and their names and I am trying to find a way how...
Hi, I managed to get this work relatively fine. I added reference pointer to the node itself during the gameobject creation so that every gameobject has corresponding node component in...
Hi,I have been trying this robibkuiper's modified version with Quad4PointMeshConfiguration to load point cloud with Unity webgl and it is performing quite good when the build and data are on...
I have tried this modified webgl code with somewhat larger datasets and it seems that when there is more points the initial point cloud loading takes a while. I am...