I like the option to control the settings for Kodi through the webinterface, but I would like to see an option to prevent non priviledged users from doing so. Would...
Thanks for this fantastic web interface. It truly brings Kodi to mobile devices and massively enhances its usability. I'm trying to play m3u music playlists stored on my Kodi server...
Hi tuntorius, first of all, thanks for your great app. Having used it for a couple of days now, I came across a few things I feel could improve the...
Hi tuntorius, I just played around with the new HID/MIDI function you implemented. Very nice addition to the app. I’m using it with a USB keyboard attached through an on...
Hi, my patches are adding up and it would be nice, if they could be sorted in the Presets tab. Any chance, to add a sorting feature? Either a simple...
Hi, my latest comment on issue [https://github.com/tuntorius/mightier_amp/issues/53](url) didn't seem to reopen the ticket, so I'm allowing myself to open it again here, as it already got a like by another...