I had something similar happen, except mine seemed to be nothing but all bold, all the time. Fonts in Control Panel clearly says that all three varieties are available (regular,...
I had the same problem, but was able to get it to work by running KeePass elevated.
Thanks for getting back to me! I use Windows 8.1, which is still under extended support.
Unfortunately, the OTP mechanisms used by KeeChallenge and by KeePassXC are fundamentally incompatible. One requires a ride-along XML file, while the other changes the database file itself on every save....
I'm considering setting up some sort of wrapper or other hack, since for my primary usage of this extension it's quite inconvenient to have date metadata disrupted at all. I...
> But some apps (notably VSCode[…]) don't use fonts-config This is probably technically true, but pretty oddly phrased, since VS Code can simply configure all character variants/stylistic sets directly within...
Well, for [future generations](https://xkcd.com/979/), the solution at present is actually pretty simple. There is at least one fork ([pixelbath's](https://github.com/pixelbath/chronolapse)) that has been successfully ported to Python 3 and suffers only...
Usually some modification would be required, but that's still progress, in that it allows for at least some percentage of cases to be considerably eased, with no loss of speed...
>What SLF4J adapter are you using? Could you please link me to it? https://github.com/fzakaria/slf4j-timbre >Have you tried clearing all your build artifacts? Yes, but it doesn't help. (I did confirm...
Strange, because when I set it up originally I'd been using git with signed tags by default for quite a while. And commits in this repo still aren't signed, even...