Can you resume/fix animeshot? Cloudflare show Error 526 Invalid SSL certificate
It is as.bitinn.net Since the old repo is archive I cannot create issue there.
I got some image ref to as.bitinn.net/upload it cannot access anymore
Have this function planed on roadmap?
- 星级:4星半 - 名称:Quiver - 官网:http://happenapps.com/#quiver - 推荐理由:Quiver 是 Mac OS X 上一款适合程序猿使用的笔记本,支持混合书写文本、代码、Markdown标记等,方便程序员记录笔记和代码片段,并提供全文搜索功能,类似印象笔记的左中右三栏布局,是一款程序猿必备的利器。
+1 version 1.2.1
I decode the timestamp class, the binary is not end with 0x78 ``` // if(!(tag == cons.TC_OBJECT)){ // assert.equal(tag, cons.TC_ENDBLOCKDATA, // 'SC_WRITE_METHOD object should end with TC_ENDBLOCKDATA'); // } ```...
Not sure adding Custom class can handle it
It shoud be have nanos, when you add io.defaultReadObject(obj); you will get **AssertionError: SC_WRITE_METHOD object should end with TC_ENDBLOCKDATA** ``` { '$': { nanos: 2015070607 }, '$class': { name: 'java.sql.Timestamp',...
[raw.zip](https://github.com/node-modules/java.io/files/753479/raw.zip) ``` io.addObject('java.sql.Timestamp', { readObject(io, obj) { console.log('>> java.sql.Timestamp readObject'); io.readBlockHeader(); var fastTime = io.readLong().toNumber(); console.log('